It's time to get rewarded!
Join our Loyalty Program and earn points, redeem discounts & get access to new products and special deals.
Each Point worth 1 pence.
It's time to get rewarded!
Join our Loyalty Program and earn points, redeem discounts & get access to new products and special deals.
Create a free account to join Grow Rewards and start earning points today. Join now.
Get 1 point for every £1 you spend on our products, which is added to your account.
Spend your points on store credit, free products & exclusive deals.
Each Point will be worth 1 pence. This gives you 1% back as a reward on the money you spend with us.
Create an account
Earn 50 points for creating an account on our website.
50 points for sign up
Shop for toys
Get 1 point for every £1 spent & also earn extra points on deals.
1 point for every £1 spent
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50 points per share/follow
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Reward Points FAQ
You can check how many points you have by clicking here to log in.
You will be refunded the money and the points that was used to pay for the item.
Yes you can use it against sale items. You also still earn 1 point per £1 spent.
Points stay in your account for 18 months from the last time you earned points. If you don't buy anything or use any points in the 18 month period they will no longer exist in your account.
Reward Points have no monetary value and cannot be used for any purpose other than redeeming against orders. At no time will Points be available to be refunded for monetary value.
All Points credited to your account can be used up to 18 months after the most recent points activity (which means earning or redeeming Reward Points).
If there is no Points activity on your account for 18 months, your Points will be deleted from your account, meaning that you can no longer redeem them against any orders. Points cannot be earned on shipping costs.
We may adjust your points account as appropriate in respect of accounting errors, multiple accounts, refunds issued, products returned or suspected fraud.